National Specialty Independent Agility High In Trial
2023 SHCA-1- 29/Ontario, CA Michael Case 100/66.28 Master Pref Stand 16”
MACH PA CH Snowquest’s in High Gear BN RAE MXC MJS MXPB MXPG MJPS MJPG PAX2 NF, Theresa Przybylski
2022 SHCA-1- 28/Midland, MI/50 Mark Rudd 100/46.34 Master Standard 20”
MACH9 Boone’s Nanuk of the North MXB3 MJS3 NJP XF T2B2 CGCA CGCU, Rusty Boone
2021 SHCA-I-27/Mesquite, TX/46 Steve Larrison 100/44.94 Master Standard 20”
MACH7 Boone’s Nanuk of the North MXC2 MJB3 NJP XF T2B2 CGCA CGCU, Rusty Boone
2020 Canceled
2019 SHCA-I-26/Wilmington, OH/ Pam Johnson Master Standard 24”
MACH6 Boone’s Nanuk of the North MXG MJC NJP XF CGCA CGCU, Rusty Boone
2018 SHCA-I- 25/St Charles, IL/64 Mrs Jean Munger 100/44:46 PrmReg24”
MACH3 Boone’s Nanuk of the North MXG MJC NJP XF CGCA CGCU, Rusty Boone
2017 SHCA-I- 24/Virginia Beach,VA/65 Mr Blair Kelly 100/30.55 Masters JWW
Koda’s Musashi MX MXB MXJ MJB XF, Alan & Sue Davis and Margaret Marion
2016 SHCA-I- 23/Sturbridge, MA/69 Lavonda Herring 100/49.68 Masters Standard
Koda’s Musashi MX MXB MXJ MJB XF, Alan & Sue Davis and Margaret Marion