Honorary Life Membership (HLM)

The Honorary Life Membership is not an award as such, rather it is an honor bestowed upon an individual who, through continuous service, has gone beyond the call of duty to benefit the breed. To be considered for an Honorary Life Membership honor, the SHCA member must meet most of the following criteria: 

Criteria for nomination:

  • Be 55 years of age or older and currently living. (A person who has passed away while the nomination took place may still be granted the award.) 

  • Is currently an SHCA member and has been a member for 25 years or longer. 

  • Has shown continuous as opposed to periodic service to the SHCA Board in either committee assignments, service as a Board member (with special emphasis being placed on having been the President, Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secretary or Treasurer) or a combination of both. (NOTE: Continuous service is defined as service that was performed repeatedly over the course of the nominee's membership. Periodic service is defined as a person who has served on a few committees over the course of their membership.) 

  • Has advanced the Siberian Husky through a combination of the following: 

    • Area Siberian Husky or all-breed club involvement through conformation, obedience, companion or performance activities. 

    • Publication of books or printed articles on behalf of the Siberian Husky. 

    • Rescue Service 

    • Worked in conjunction with the Educational committee and/or Public Education committee to educate novice enthusiasts as well as the judging community. 

    • Displayed "mentoring" characteristics for the novice enthusiast

The determination of the recipient should be presented in a timely fashion (minimum of 3 months prior to National Specialty) to allow Board members to research the nomination. This honor is the sole determination of the SHCA Board. Input from the Membership is welcome by the Board but the final decision rests with the Board. The Constitution and By-Laws when reviewed will reflect this honor. 

The intent of this award is to bestow the honor to those who, through continuous service and example, stand out as exemplary individuals who are dedicated to the Siberian Husky breed. This individual should and would be well known throughout a Siberian community. An individual who has performed periodic service, but not continuous, should be nominated for an award with different guidelines. The Honorary Life Member will be exempt from having to pay dues, maintain all membership rights including voting and will receive recognition as such in SHCA documents and at the National Specialty.